Saturday, October 20, 2007

Now In Singapore, On My Way Home

Dear Readers!

Thank you for your prayers over the last 10 days! I will be home tomorrow after about 17 hours of flying.

I dont have alot of time on the internet, as I have paid for it and have only 30 minutes (I only have 10 minutes left). I did a half of a day of evangelism, was able to go to 3 different houses and I saw both Rongmei and Meeteis coming to faith into Christ for eternal life!

After a thunderous ride on the horrible streets I finally made it to the conference I was giving at a large baptist church. There were about 100 pastors and evangelists in attendance. I taught them Free Grace Theology for about 4 hours (I did give them a break!) They were well encouraged! After the conference, 2 of my Free Grace brothers who are also knowledgable in the Bible and I stayed around for another 3 hours answering all the multitudes of questions coming from these hungry for the word of God ministers in India. What an awesome time!

Thank you all for your prayers! I was able to prepare for them about 27 pages of outline and notes for them to take home and study. Many of them were feverishly taking notes. I had all of these translated into their language by my host. Many also asked for the notes in English.

I ate incredible curry with the pastors after that. Later I went to a commissioning service for the disciplers who are going to do the follow up work.

The final numbers were in!

over well over 3000 people heard the saving message of Christ and over 1300 people came to faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life!

The next day I had the tearful good-byes :(

I want to tell more, but my time is soon expiring.

Please pray for our safe trip home.

I will update you all with other details when I get home.

I love you all!

Especially you, Gina, Jacob, Anna, and Joey!

I miss you very much!


Rose~ said...

God bless you, brtoher!
May the Lord give you a safe trip home and may he encourage those who heard your message.
God bless your wife and children for releasing you to go on that trip.

Kc said...

Antonio I praise God for this good report and for you all. I do pray the trip home is safe and swift and allows a measure of rest for you all.

Jeremy Myers said...


Prayers have been answered! We will continue to pray for you as for safety as you return home.

Also, we will pray that the pastors who have been introduced to and discipled in Free Grace will remember what they have learned and teach it to the people in their churches, and that the people you were able to lead to faith in Christ will grow in the knowledge of God and His Word and stay firm in the message of grace they have believed.

alvin said...

I thank the Lord for you Antonio, very exciting news.
blessings alvin